Adult Ministries


Sunday - 10:30AM Worship Service | Wednesday - 7PM WWOW (Word, Worship on Wednesday)

The Adult Ministries of The Antioch Church

The general aim of the Adult ministries are evangelism and discipleship. Each ministry is linked to the overall purpose and VISION of the church.


Men's Ministry

Fraternity of Men

Pastor Roy G. Duncan, Teacher

Tyrone Lockhart, Men's Coordinator

Men who understand the times. I Chronicles 12:32

The goal of the ministry is to challenge and support males in becoming the man of God in their hearts, the church, home, community and the world.

Meet every 2nd and 4th Saturdays - 8:00am


Women's Ministry

Karen Masters

The Women’s ministry is designed to be a supportive structure to meet the spiritual, physical and emotional needs of women. An encouragement for women, through teaching, nurturing, witnessing, service and fellowship.

The Women meet Wednesdays at 6:00pm - 1st Wednesdays Meal & Fellowship 5:30pm.




                                                                             Home Missions

Verty Jackson

A ministry for the senior adults to participate in Bible study, fellowship and local outreach opportunities.

1st and 3rd Mondays @ 9:00am


Pre-Marriage/Marriage Counseling

Pastor Roy G. Duncan

Marriage is honorable in the sight of the Lord. The family unit is foundational for a healthy society/community.

The Antioch Church is committed to encouraging our spiritual growth through a balanced program of worship, biblical teaching, fellowship, and evangelism. Keep an eye on our events page to see upcoming events for the adult ministries of The Antioch Church.

Men's Ministry

Fraternity of Men

Pastor Roy G. Duncan, Teacher

Tyrone Lockhart, Men's Coordinator

Men who understand the times. I Chronicles 12:32

The goal of the ministry is to challenge and support males in becoming the man of God in their hearts, the church, home, community and the world.

Meet every 2nd and 4th Saturdays - 8:00am

Women's Ministry

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