

Sunday - 10:30AM Worship Service | Wednesday - 7PM WWOW (Word, Worship on Wednesday)

The Antioch Church Leadership

The Antioch Church is blessed to have a leadership team who are truly dedicated to Christ and accomplishing His will. Following are brief bio's of our leadership team and their qualifications for ministry.

Pastor Roy G. Duncan

Senior Pastor

Rev. Roy G. Duncan has been the Pastor of the great Antioch Missionary Baptist Church since 1988. Through his leadership by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit, the church has experienced significant progress spiritually, numerically and economically. He has influenced the church to be congregation that makes a difference in time and in eternity.

Making a Difference in the Church: Many ministries have been birthed as a result of his passion for people and his commitment to the building of God's Kingdom. Comprehensive ministry that includes a strong children and teen ministries are now functioning with a committed team of workers, effective adult ministries to men, women, seniors, singles and couples - all can find a place at Antioch. His expository, anointed preaching/teaching takes listeners to a deeper level in the Word which lifts to a higher level of ministry.

Making a Difference in the Community: He is the Founder of the East Palestine Community Development, Inc., a Non-Profit Organization specifically focusing on the betterment of the (Old Town) Community through affordable rental properties, land development, small businesses, home buyers education (which includes the building of new homes) and The Berean Christian Academy, a Christian School and Day Care ages 0-12 with the intent of "touching tomorrow today".

Making a Difference in the City, County, Country and the World: His community and professional affiliations have been numerous. He has served as Moderator of the Zion Hill Association, President of the Anderson County Community Relations Council Board of Directors, Sanctuary House Board of Directors (a homeless shelter), President of the Ministerial Alliance of African American Churches and the Greater Ministerial Alliance of Anderson County Pastors, Board of Directors of the YMCA, the American Red Cross, Board Member of East Texas Council of Alcohol and Drug Abuse (ETCADA) and others. In June of 2009 he was consecrated as an Overseer in Kingdom Builders Global Fellowship.

He is the recipient of Pastor of the Year Award by Texas Educational Baptist State Convention, Visionary of the Year Award of TEBSC, Citizen of the Year for 2008 by the Palestine Chamber of Commerce, led missionary trips to nationally and internationally including Uganda East Africa and Caribbean.

His educational background includes: Dallas Baptist University, Southern Bible Institute, Dallas Theological Seminary, he studied Business at Cedar Valley Community College all of Dallas; Jacksonville Theological Seminary; and locally Trinity Valley Community College. He travels throughout the country and the world preaching and teaching the Gospel to all who will hear. Pastor Duncan also served in the U. S. Navy and was Honorably discharged.

Making a Difference in Family: He and his lovely wife, former Yvonne Clewis, have been married since November 1968. She too is a difference maker. For all of her adult life she has been an advocate of small children in the home as a foster parent, in public and private education. She now serves as the Pre-K teacher and director at Berean Christian Academy, she is actively involved in the Women's Ministry.

Pastor and Sis. Duncan have 4 Children. Troy (Dana), Kevin (Charlette); Alex, U. S. Navy and Veronica (Joe). They have 10 grandchildren (Lauren, Jordan, DaQuaelin, Roland, Brandon, Chastity, Courtney, Jordan, Loudelia and Logan).

His life theme scripture is Philippians two including verse 4, “Let each of you look out not only for its own interest but also for the interest of others.”

"Whatever you do in Word or in deed - do it as unto the Lord"

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Rev. Roy G. Duncan has been the Pastor of the great Antioch Missionary Baptist Church since 1988. Through his leadership by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit, the church has experienced significant progress spiritually, numerically and economically. He has influenced the church to be congregation that makes a difference in time and in eternity.

Making a Difference in the Church: Many ministries have been birthed as a result of his passion for people and his commitment to the building of God's Kingdom. Comprehensive ministry that includes a strong children and teen ministries are now functioning with a committed team of workers, effective adult ministries to men, women, seniors, singles and couples - all can find a place at Antioch. His expository, anointed preaching/teaching takes listeners to a deeper level in the Word which lifts to a higher level of ministry.

Making a Difference in the Community: He is the Founder of the East Palestine Community Development, Inc., a Non-Profit Organization specifically focusing on the betterment of the (Old Town) Community through affordable rental properties, land development, small businesses, home buyers education (which includes the building of new homes) and The Berean Christian Academy, a Christian School and Day Care ages 0-12 with the intent of "touching tomorrow today".

Making a Difference in the City, County, Country and the World: His community and professional affiliations have been numerous. He has served as Moderator of the Zion Hill Association, President of the Anderson County Community Relations Council Board of Directors, Sanctuary House Board of Directors (a homeless shelter), President of the Ministerial Alliance of African American Churches and the Greater Ministerial Alliance of Anderson County Pastors, Board of Directors of the YMCA, the American Red Cross, Board Member of East Texas Council of Alcohol and Drug Abuse (ETCADA) and others. In June of 2009 he was consecrated as an Overseer in Kingdom Builders Global Fellowship.

He is the recipient of Pastor of the Year Award by Texas Educational Baptist State Convention, Visionary of the Year Award of TEBSC, Citizen of the Year for 2008 by the Palestine Chamber of Commerce, led missionary trips to nationally and internationally including Uganda East Africa and Caribbean.

His educational background includes: Dallas Baptist University, Southern Bible Institute, Dallas Theological Seminary, he studied Business at Cedar Valley Community College all of Dallas; Jacksonville Theological Seminary; and locally Trinity Valley Community College. He travels throughout the country and the world preaching and teaching the Gospel to all who will hear. Pastor Duncan also served in the U. S. Navy and was Honorably discharged.

Making a Difference in Family: He and his lovely wife, former Yvonne Clewis, have been married since November 1968. She too is a difference maker. For all of her adult life she has been an advocate of small children in the home as a foster parent, in public and private education. She now serves as the Pre-K teacher and director at Berean Christian Academy, she is actively involved in the Women's Ministry.

Pastor and Sis. Duncan have 4 Children. Troy (Dana), Kevin (Charlette); Alex, U. S. Navy and Veronica (Joe). They have 10 grandchildren (Lauren, Jordan, DaQuaelin, Roland, Brandon, Chastity, Courtney, Jordan, Loudelia and Logan).

His life theme scripture is Philippians two including verse 4, “Let each of you look out not only for its own interest but also for the interest of others.”

"Whatever you do in Word or in deed - do it as unto the Lord"

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Leadership Staff



  • James Davis - Community Development
  • James Jones                
  • Robert Leslie
  • Dewayne Tillis
  • 17 other licensed to preach the gospel including 3 ordained pastors


  • Johnny Jackson, chairman
  • James Clayton
  • Tommy Davis
  • Simmie Douglas
  • Edward McCoy


  • Trina Bass


  • Pamler Lomax
  • Beverly Russell


  • Tyrone Lockhart
  • Gary Marshall
  • Joe Masters


  • Tyrone Lockhart
  •  Alton Carr


  • Vickie Brown

         MUSIC STAFF

  • Trina Bass, director
  • Tonia Brown, head musician
  •  James Davis, organ


  • Nicole Hannah
  • Keith Bailey


  • Karen Masters


  • Darrell and Portia Hatten


  • Gretchen Johnson, lead usher


  • Yvonne Duncan
  • Verty Jackson
  • Beverly Russell


  • Horace Poullard

          PARKING LOT

  • Myrt Hollie
  • Van Turner
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  • James Davis - Community Development
  • James Jones                
  • Robert Leslie
  • Dewayne Tillis
  • 17 other licensed to preach the gospel including 3 ordained pastors


  • Johnny Jackson, chairman
  • James Clayton
  • Tommy Davis
  • Simmie Douglas
  • Edward McCoy


  • Trina Bass


  • Pamler Lomax
  • Beverly Russell


  • Tyrone Lockhart
  • Gary Marshall
  • Joe Masters


  • Tyrone Lockhart
  •  Alton Carr


  • Vickie Brown

         MUSIC STAFF

  • Trina Bass, director
  • Tonia Brown, head musician
  •  James Davis, organ


  • Nicole Hannah
  • Keith Bailey


  • Karen Masters


  • Darrell and Portia Hatten


  • Gretchen Johnson, lead usher


  • Yvonne Duncan
  • Verty Jackson
  • Beverly Russell


  • Horace Poullard

          PARKING LOT

  • Myrt Hollie
  • Van Turner
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  • James Davis - Community Development
  •  James Jones                
  • Robert Leslie
  • Dewayne Tillis
  • 17 other licensed to preach the gospel including 3 ordained pastors


  • Johnny Jackson, chairman
  • James Clayton
  • Tommy Davis
  • Simmie Douglas
  • Edward McCoy


  • Trina Bass


  • Pamler Lomax
  • Beverly Russell


  • Tyrone Lockhart
  • Gary Marshall
  • Joe Masters


  • Trina Bass, director
  • Tonia Brown, head musician
  •  James Davis, organ


  • Karen Masters


  • Darrell and Portia Hatten


  •  Nicole Hannah
  • Keith Bailey


  • Yvonne Duncan
  • Verty Jackson
  • Beverly Russell


  • Horace Poullard


  • Myrt Hollie
  • Van Turner


  • Tyrone Lockhart
  •  Alton Carr


  • Vickie Brown